Saturday, March 23, 2013

Photo Shoot 2013

Such a big girl!
Today Emily had her annual photo shoot, and she did great as usual! You will love the pictures, I am positive! She looks so grown up in them and you can really see where she lost her first tooth. Good job little love bug!

One of my favorites

Too cute


Another of my favorites

Got this one in black and white with only the blue highlighted

That winning smile

Cute piggy toes

Cute dimple chin

Big girl

Cutie Patootie

One of her favorite dresses

I told you... I love them all

Mommy's sweet girl

Wee...JUMPIN' Fun!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Tooth Fairy Visit and MORE...

Tooth Fairy Loot
Well, the morning after Emily lost her tooth, she awoke before her alarm clock and screamed out, "Mommy, Mommy, tooth fairy put money under my pillow!!" When I went into her room she was sitting up in bed in the dark, with only the light of her nightlight, holding her money and wearing a HUGE grin!! After we turned on the light, I explained that the tooth fairy had left $5 and she screamed! Of course we had to take a photo, then she had to run in and wake up Auntie JuJu. It was a great day for her!

This was also the day that Nana and Grandma Becki were coming to her school for Goodies with Grandparents! much excitement for a 6 year old!

Ready for school
She had a wonderful time with Nana and Becki at her class. She got to sing with her friends and show them her class. She even had a special shirt to wear in honor of Nana's visit to her class.

Saturday she had her regular swimming lesson and JuJu snapped a darling photo while waiting for her teacher to get there! She is currently working on the front crawl, backstroke, and back float. She can swim on her back the entire length of the pool in approximately two minutes. I believe swimming will be her sport of choice! She would live in the pool if she was allowed! My girl LOVES water!

Sunday morning, today, was St. Patrick's Day, and I was awakened by squeals of delight coming from the room next door!!! I went in her room at 5:00 a.m....yes you read that right, 5:00 a.m. on a Sunday, to see her utter joy and excitement and true belief in Leprechauns!! That silly, mischievous Leprechaun had scattered shamrocks ALL over her room floor, down the hall, in the dining room, and living room. He also left her a note telling her to have fun looking for GOLD!!! What do you know, she ended up finding it in the hall closet!! At church she gladly shared her GOLD with her friends, Pastor David, and her children's choir teacher, Steven.

After church we headed to the mall to see none other than the big guy himself...the EASTER BUNNY!!! She did great and had fun talking to him, hugging him, and smiling for a darling photo!

Enjoy the photos!! We had a great weekend! Hope you all did too!
Kathy and Emily

Becki, Nana, Emily at Emily's school

Chatting with Nana

So much LOVE!!

Emily and Nana March 15, 2013

Toothless wonder at swimming lessons

Cleaning up after that silly Leprechaun

WOW...look at all that GOLD!! Thank you Leprechaun

So grown up!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

First Lost Tooth

Today was it...EMILY lost her first tooth while at school today! Needless to say she has been on air since being picked up! Now she is in bed wondering what the Tooth Fairy will bring her! To her this is almost more exciting than waiting for Santa! I'm sure we'll have a post tomorrow evening to tell what Emily got under her pillow! For now enjoy this DARLING picture!

Can't you just feel the excitement!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Random Wednesday

Well, it's been a while since my last post, but we have been busy with life, work, school, family, and friends. Since my last post the little darling has been to the public library for the first time and received her own library card. She was somewhat overwhelmed with everything there was to see and do. She did finally pick out 10 books. Although, the librarian did say that kids are allowed to check out 50 books...WHAT??? Emily only knows that she is allowed 10. What are they thinking??? 50 books?? What child can carry that, or even have enough attention to pick out 50?? Emily was fine with her special 10 books. Of course, three of them were dog books.

This past Saturday she performed at the Children's Festival held at the Vancouver Mall. Her teacher's studio had a booth set up outside of Nordstrom and, on the hour, had students show what they have learned or steps they know as well as just free dance. It just so happened that Emily's turn to dance was directly after a children's choir that was made up entirely of orphans from Liberia and Peru. They were PRECIOUS!!! They drew quite the crowd, were full of smiles, and had darling voices. Well, since they sang right before Emily, they also joined in when Teacher Annie asked the crowd, "Does anyone out there like to dance?". Emily was in her element! She loves to dance and had a blast. Emily had her face painted at a different booth earlier in the day as well as stood in line to get a balloon elephant made just for her. It was a grreat day!

Saturday night JuJu helped Emily build her very first fort out of chairs and blankets. It was the activity of the day on her lent calendar from church. She loved it and had a blast playing in it! Thank you JuJu!

Sunday after church, JuJu caught a darling picture of Emily helping Nana out to her car. SO CUTE!! I'm sure there will be more to catch up on after this Friday. Nana and grandma Becki from church, are attending Goodies with Grandparents at Emily's school.

Enjoy the random pictures, and have a joyous rest of your week.

Children's Festival at the mall

Nana and Emily

Emily's first fort

Pretty ballerina

Sweet dancers

Head, and shoulders, knees and toes

Emily loves Teacher Annie

Hi Mommy

Great toe point baby

Dancing altogether

Fun times

Feet off the floor with joy!

With her face painted and balloon elephant

Children's Orphan Choir from Liberia and Peru

Emily feeding an alpaca

Riley and Emily

Sweet butterfly

Here's a carrot for you

Dancing buddies

First library visit