Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Pumpkin Patch 2014

Mommy's favorite picture
Emily, JuJu, and Mommy had a blast at our annual pumpkin patch visit this October! We rode the hay ride to get our pumpkins, Emily did the hay bale maze, she tried driving a mini John Deere, and had lots of fun petting and feeding the animals. BiZi Farms in Vancouver is always a huge success! It was even better that it was mid-October and it was warm enough for short sleeves and capri pants! YEAH!

Future farmer???

Kind of blurry, but I love that smile

Mommy and Emily

Sweet girl

Such a beauty

I'm queen of the haystack

First Sleepover!!

In October, Emily had her very first sleepover with her friends Kayla and Kira. None of us were sure if she'd make it through the night or if I would get a call from their mom, Michele, at 2 a.m., BUT...what do you know, she did it! And, she had a BLAST!!
They got to stay up late, eat lots of snacks, go for an ice cream run late at night, and all sleep on the downstairs couch together! I only have the two pictures that Michele sent me, but they speak for themselves about how much fun they were having! Way to go babe! Such a brave girl! Now she wants more "Sleepyovers" at friends' houses and to have friends "Sleepyover" here!

At the country store on a late night ice cream run

On the way back to the "Sleepyover"

Salmon Creek Husky Run

Emily in the blue shirt giving it her all!
In October of this year, Emily took part in her first Salmon Creek Husky Run. It is our annual school  fund raiser. She did a great job of getting pledges, and even got enough to earn a Husky t-shirt and her name painted on a blue Husky paw print on the sidewalk in front of the school.
I was lucky enough that my lunch time happened to fall while her grade was having their turn running laps. So I got to go outside and see her and cheer her on, as well as capture a few photos.
Way to go BABE!!
You are a great addition to the Salmon Creek Huskies!

Getting another lap checked off

Getting tired

Whew...getting ready to have another lap checked off

Go, Emily, go

Grandparents Day September 2014

Emily invited her grandma and grandpa over for Grandparents Day. We made them a nice dinner, and she gave them her gift for their yard. A new birdbath made by Auntie Juju's friend Brenda. Everyone had a fun time, and grandpa and grandma LOVED their gift, as well as spending time with Emily!

Happy Grandparents Day 2014

September 2014

Emily and her teacher Mrs. McCarty
This year September brought a lot of new things for Miss Emily. New school, new grade, new teacher, and most of all, making new friends. She has now moved to the school where I work and started First Grade! My girl is getting so big! We had back-to-school night so she had met her teacher, Mrs. McCarty, ahead of time. That helped with nerves quite a bit for the first day. It also helps that whenever I would go to work to set up my classroom, she would see everyone in the halls, and met almost everyone before school even started.

I must say Emily ADORES her teacher, and it is such a great match. She has made lots of new friends, had a few play dates, and had some of her new friends come to her birthday party this year. Check a later post for that fun stuff!

Sorry so long in between blog entries. Life is getting busier and busier the older Emily gets. I am going to try and get caught up through Christmas before going back to work after the new year.

First day of First Grade

Cutie Patootie

Of course a Frozen back pack

Add caption

New Salmon Creek Husky

First Day Smiles

Kira helping Emily learn where to line up

Kayla and Kira wishing Emily well

Found her desk and getting to work

First Grade school picture

Monday, September 1, 2014

July and August 2014

Well, Emily and I have had a very full and very FUN summer. We have had Grandpa build a new deck in the backyard, put up a new pool, had lots of fun swimming, been to Sunriver two times, picked berries at Nana's house, went to the Fair, had lots of fun playing with friends and cousins, worked to get ready for First Grade, met our new teacher at Back to School night, celebrated Grandpa's birthday, and much more.

Our Family Reunion this year was so much fun! Besides the annual Cribbage tournament, we added a new bit of fun! Minute to Win It games with teams and everything was new this year, and everyone was in agreement that we will do this every summer from now on! SO MUCH laughter and fun was had by all.

The annual day at the river was filled with arts and crafts, playing in the river/boat, playing Fling It, having balsa wood plane races, barbecue yummies, and total joy with family!

Emily had a lot of good times and made so many memories with her cousins Alyssa and Zack, as well as Aunt Pam, Uncle Bruce, Ella, and grandpa and grandma. The only downer was how many mosquito bites the sweet girl came home with. BUMMER!!

I have so many fun pictures to share, be sure to check out all of them. The little darling sure did have a GREAT summer!! Now it's time for First Grade, a brand new school and a brand new school year!
Have a fun school year everyone!
Kathy and Emily

Who is walking who?? Ella and Emily

Emily and Oscar

Helping brush Ella

4th of July pony ride at Sunriver

4th of July butterfly!! Cute!

Love, love, love Aunt Pam and Emily

Mommy and Emily

Water the old fashioned way


Ella loves her Emily

Thanks aunt Pam for my new hair clip

Ella and Em on a fun car ride

Chillin' in Ella's bed

Lazy river fun in Sunriver


Learning about trees from Aunt Pam

Airport selfie

Helping grandpa get ready for the pool and deck...notice the outfit

Mommy's little gardener


Helping grandpa build the new deck


Loving our new pool

Clark County Fair with Kylie and Grandma Judi

Grandpa's birthday


Pool Beauty

Happy Birthday Grandpa (Dad)!

Emily LOVES grandpa and grandma

Pool fun with friends

More fun back in Sunriver

Sweet Ella

Uncle Bruce, Ella and Emily

Let the cribbage fun begin!

Solitaire fun with grandpa

Emily was so happy to see  her cousins Alyssa and Zack

Yummy snow cones at the river

Suzannah pulling all the kiddos

Arts and crafts with Aunt Pam

Suzannah and Emily...Pals

Pam in the balsa wood plane flying contest

Tyler helping the kiddos play Fling It

Emily playing Separation Anxiety

The Winner, notice cousin Kerry still working on his and Emily is done!

The winning team, Cindy, Bill, Pam, Stephen, Suzannah, and Emily

Way to go Team Emily!!

Captains Alyssa, Emily, and Zack

Baby Rattle game! Winner...Alyssa

Sweet Zack

Cousin fun!

Julyn and Cindy

Tyler doing Face the Cookie game

Suzannah doing Face the Cookie...she won!!

Grandpa doing Tic Tac Challenge


Cousins by the river

Tyler, Suzannah, and Baby Schroeder

Zack's turn to fly his plane

Go Alyssa!

Emily's cousin Alyssa

Pals to the end

Uncle Bruce won the cribbage tourney! Sorry Bill

Bill won the squirt gun game!!

Face the Cookie challenge

Separation Anxiety game...the youngest player, Emily...WINNER!!

Bill was the winner of Extreme Hanky Panky

Sandy and Suzannah during the Tic Tac challenge

Alyssa was the big winner of the Baby Rattle game

Ella trying to join the conversation

Grandpa and Grandma playing bean bag toss at the river

Two little cuties!

Schroeder Family Reunion Sunriver 2014

Emily and Brynnlee taking a break from swimming

Belen and Emily waiting for Frozen to start in the park

Movies in the Park FUN!!!

Mommy and her girl!!

Great end of summer...Build a Bear new Cat named Cutie wearing Mermaid outfit