Monday, June 30, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

My yummy breakfast made by Emily
I awoke to the lovely smells of coffee, bacon, eggs, pancakes, etc. that Emily was making for me with the help of Auntie JuJu. It was a great way to wake in bed while they cooked, spending the day with my girl, receiving thoughtful gifts, cards, and flowers. We had a WONDERFUL day together. Thank you JuJu for helping Emily celebrate and honor me, her mommy!

As we celebrated the day, I couldn't help but think about her birth mother, and the sacrifices she made to ensure her daughter have a better life. I know this woman that we will never meet must think about her daughter often and wonder about her life. If I could, I would let her know that the child she gave birth to is LOVED, an important part of her family, has friends, loves to dance and sing, loves dogs, loves to laugh, has a stubborn streak, loves to draw/write/color, adores the beach and swimming, and above all else loves Jesus!

As usual I had a fabulous Mother's Day and enjoyed every moment of it! lovely

Sweet gifts from my girl!

Emily's New Mermaid Room

New bed and Pottery Barn bedding
When my Aunt Pam asked if anyone in our family wanted an heirloom bed that belonged to my great grandmother, we decided that Emily was ready to move up from a twin to a double bed. Well, that decision meant all new bedding, new paint, new decor, and lighting.

So we went from Rapunzel to mermaids. Those who know Emily know that blue is by far her favorite color, so her walls are now painted two shades of blue.

She is in love with having a "big bed" and loves when mommy snuggles in bed with her to read books.

Loves her new mermaid decals

Love, love, love new lighting from Land of Nod

Adore the new pictures from

Cinco de Mayo

Stinky and Emily
This year Emily was able to attend her first Cinco de Mayo party in Kirkland, WA. Her Auntie has an annual party where Uncle Mark's band, the Noisy Neighbors, plays all night! FUN!!

It was great to see family, friends, all the dogs, eat good food, laugh, and dance all night!

Thanks for inviting us Auntie! We love you!

Auntie playing the tambourine

We're Back...

Such a big girl of our last post in April...sorry readers. Life just keeps us so busy, it gets harder and harder to do my blog.  But I promised myself I would do this blog until Emily is a teen. Then she can look back and have such wonderful memories!

May started off with Emily getting a much needed haircut. She grew her hair out for over a year, and then didn't ever want any kind of a hairdo, so off we went to the salon.

C-U-T-E...such a darling style, and now no more tangles and tears in the morning!

She tried the side swept bangs for a week, then requested to go back and get regular bangs!


Before the haircut

After the cut
